About the Company

The TCS HYDRO Company was founded in 2010 having united the efforts of experienced specialists in the field of designing, manufacture, installation and operation of hydroturbine equipment for hydraulic power plants.
Main areas of TCS HYDRO's activity include manufacture and retrofitting of hydroturbine equipment for hydraulic power plants. As such, the Company employs specialists having a unique experience in creating and repairing various inlet valves.
Most of our specialists are former employees of the Special Design Bureau of TURBOATOM JSC, who took part in designing valves for almost all HPPs and pumping plants in CIS countries, as well as for India, Vietnam, Morocco, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, Panama, Iraq, Syria, Argentina, China, Colombia and other countries.
Over the past five years TCS HYDRO had performed the following activities:
  • 2013

    Designing, manufacture and delivery of five sets of Ø1000mm butterfly valves for Khorog HPP (Republic of Tajikistan) in disassembled state with a single spare tools and accessories kit per the said five sets, as well as rendering services on installation supervision.
  • Designing, manufacture and supply of auxiliary equipment for hydraulic turbines No. 1 and No. 2 of Iovskaya HPP-10 of the cascade of Nivskiye HPPs, Kolsky branch of TGC-1 JSC.
  • Rendering engineering consulting services on dismantling of a unique Ø4200mm spherical valve at Nurek HPP (unit No. 8), Republic of Tajikistan, weighing 700 tons, with a view to its subsequent overhaul.
  • 2014

    Rendering engineering consulting services and technical supervision services (installation supervision) when installing a unique Ø4200mm spherical valve at Nurek HPP (unit No. 8), Republic of Tajikistan, weighing 700 tons, after its dismantling and overhaul of its components and parts.
  • Designing, manufacture and supply of parts, assembly units and fasteners for mounting a unique Ø4200mm spherical valve for hydraulic unit No.8 of Nurek HPP.
  • 2015

    Designing, manufacture and supply of one set of spare parts for modernization of butterfly valves installed at Baipazinskaya HPP, Republic of Tajikistan.
  • Designing, manufacture and supply of five sets of hatches to be installed on penstocks downstream the Ø1000mm spherical valves for Khorog HPP (Republic of Tajikistan). Manufacture and supply of four sets of control systems for the Ø1600mm butterfly valves No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 for Pamir-1 HPP (Republic of Tajikistan) in disassembled state with one set of spare parts per four sets of control systems for butterfly valves as well as rendering services on their installation supervision and commissioning.
  • Designing, manufacture and supply of parts for modernization of a wicket gate for hydraulic unit No.3 of Tashlykskaya pumped-storage plant (Ukraine).
  • 2016

    Designing, manufacture and supply of rings to replace the seal of a hydroturbine installed at Nurek HPP (Republic of Tajikistan).
  • Designing, manufacture and supply of spare parts, accessories and tools to overhaul the Ø4200mm spherical valve for hydraulic unit No.9 of Nurek HPP (Republic of Tajikistan).
  • Execution of a workpackage on dismantling parts of the service seal, maintenance seal and bypass hydraulic valve and on mounting new parts of the service seal, maintenance seal and bypass hydraulic valve with a new hydraulic drive on four Ø7600mm butterfly valves at Baipazinskaya HPP (Republic of Tajikistan).
  • 2017

    Manufacture and supply of the generator shaft for Tsentralnaya HPP (Republic of Tajikistan), including development of detailed design documentation.
  • Designing, manufacture and supply of spare parts for hydraulic unit No.9 of Nurek HPP (Republic of Tajikistan).
  • 2018

    Rendering engineering consulting services and technical supervision services (installation supervision) when overhauling and installing a unique Ø4200mm spherical valve at Nurek HPP (unit No. 9), Republic of Tajikistan, weighing 700 tons, after it has been dismantled.
  • Designing a viewing platform with stairs in the turbine pit and the stairs in the generator pit for hydraulic units Nos.1-3 of DneproGES-1 (Ukraine).
  • Development of technical documentation for manufacture of the servomotor cylinder for Gunibskaya HPP (Republic of Dagestan within the Russian Federation).
  • Designer's supervision over installation of the 4200mm spherical valve for the hydraulic unit No. 9 of Nurek HPP (Republic of Tajikistan) in the process of its overhaul.
  • Development of technical documentation for the runner to be installed at Svetlinskaya HPP (the Russian Federation)